Trust Chrome Extension | Download the Trust Wallet Chrome Browser

Trust Wallet primarily operates as a mobile cryptocurrency wallet, and there isn't a standalone Chrome extension specifically provided by Trust Wallet. However, Trust Wallet is known for its

Trust Wallet primarily operates as a mobile wallet, and there isn't a standalone Chrome extension specifically provided by Trust Wallet for desktop browsers. Trust Wallet focuses on providing a secure and user-friendly experience for managing cryptocurrencies on mobile devices. However, it's possible that developments or updates have occurred since my last update.

If you are looking for a browser extension or integration with Trust Wallet on a desktop browser like Chrome, you might consider using WalletConnect. WalletConnect is a protocol that allows mobile wallets like Trust Wallet to connect and interact with decentralized applications (DApps) running in a desktop browser.

Here's a general guide on how you might use Trust Wallet with a desktop browser through WalletConnect:

Using Trust Wallet with Chrome (Through WalletConnect):

  1. Ensure Trust Wallet is Installed:

    • Make sure you have the Trust Wallet app installed on your mobile device. You can download it from the official app store for your device.

  2. Open Trust Wallet:

    • Launch the Trust Wallet app on your mobile device.

  3. Navigate to WalletConnect:

    • In the Trust Wallet app, look for the WalletConnect option in the settings or menu.

  4. Open a DApp on Desktop:

    • On your desktop browser (e.g., Chrome), open a decentralized application (DApp) or website that supports WalletConnect.

  5. Scan the QR Code:

    • Within the WalletConnect section of Trust Wallet, use the app to scan the QR code displayed by the DApp on your desktop browser.

  6. Authorize Connection:

    • Confirm the connection on your Trust Wallet. This establishes a secure connection between your Trust Wallet and the DApp on your desktop.

  7. Interact with DApp:

    • Once connected, you can use your Trust Wallet to interact with the DApp on your desktop browser. This may include activities like trading, gaming, or accessing various decentralized services.

Security Considerations:

  • Always ensure that you are using the official Trust Wallet app downloaded from the official app store.

  • Be cautious of phishing attempts and only connect your wallet to trusted DApps.

  • Keep your recovery seed phrase, PIN, or any other authentication method secure and private.


As of my last update, Trust Wallet primarily focused on mobile platforms, and the information provided here is based on that context. For the latest and most accurate information, please check the official Trust Wallet website, app store listings, or contact Trust Wallet support. Additionally, be aware that developments in the cryptocurrency space are frequent, and new features or integrations may have been introduced since my last update. Always use caution and follow security best practices when dealing with cryptocurrency wallets and related tools.

Last updated